Episode 70– You can also listen on Apple podcastsSpotifyStitcherGoogle podcasts, and Amazon Music

About the Episode:

Are you ready for the beginning of our New Mexico holiday gift guide series? Let’s start it off with a look at a local favorite, FS2 Supply Co.

If you live in New Mexico, and love New Mexico merch, then you’ve probably seen some of the amazing FS2 Supply designs. Bunny interviews one of the owners and the designer, Eric Griego about his New Mexico based company.

Resources and Links
FS2 Supply Website
Follow FS2 Supply on Instagram
State Seal Story (and merch)
Bunny’s Posole Recipe
I Love New Mexico blog page
Bunny’s website
I Love New Mexico Instagram
I Love New Mexico Facebook

Original Music by: Kene Terry


Eric Griego and FS2

“Family, culture and landscape are a few of the many reasons that make New Mexico special. FS2 Supply Co. was founded with these ideals at its core. This deep love of our state has inspired us to create apparel and goods that reflect these ideals. Join our #FS2familia and wear New Mexico with pride!” – FS2

Episode Transcript

Bunny : (00:00)
Hi, this is Bunny Terry, and I am the host of the I Love New Mexico podcast. The next few weeks are gonna be special, so we’re, we’re changing our intro. This doesn’t sound like the original intro, and I, I hope that you enjoy this. We are talking about the holidays in New Mexico, and specifically because New Mexico is a state where we, many of us celebrate Christmas. We are talking about Christmas in New Mexico. So today you’re going to hear from a local merchant who designs amazing New Mexico merchandise, and it’s not just a series of Zia symbols on t-shirts. FS two does a great job of collaborating with artists. Um, the owner, Eric Griego, is a former, not former current graphic artist who has spent a lot of time, um, coming up with unique and fun and beautiful designs that are on their T-shirts, their hoodies, their caps. They also collaborate with local artists. And so you’ll find, um, some, some items that look like, um, well, there’s a Zebra T-shirts and cups. There are some, um, something that looks like Day of the Dead. There’s a new design that has to do with the state seal, and you can find out about all of these at the FS two website. But I wanna tell you, if you haven’t done your holiday shopping yet, go to the website for FSS two. We’re so excited to have you as guests, and we want your experience on the podcast to be as unique as the state of New Mexico is. So I hope you’ll check out this podcast and the ones that are going to follow. We’re so excited to talk to people about the things they create and sell, and the ways that they celebrate the holidays in the Land of Enchantment. Let us know how you like it and happy holidays and Merry Christmas.

Bunny : (02:16)
We have a special treat for you on the, I Love New Mexico blog today. It, this is the first in a series of very New Mexico centered gift ideas for the holidays. And, um, if you’re like me, you don’t have all your shopping done. I mean, I don’t have any of my shopping done, so, um, this is gonna be very helpful for me and I know it’s gonna be helpful for you as our guest. And our special guest this morning is Eric Griego, who is the owner, um, and founder with his wife of FSS two Supply Company, which is our favorite New Mexico themed, uh, merchandise store. So they have a storefront in, in Santa Fe, but there’s also a website. So we are going, we are providing you with all the links to find the website because I know a lot of our guests are not situated in Santa Fe so that they can go down to the rail yard and buy items. But, um, Eric and I are gonna talk today about some of the, um, most popular items and how you can find them. And, um, we’re, this is an episode that’s also gonna air on our YouTube channel. So when Eric is describing an item and holding it up, just know that we are gonna provide a link to our YouTube channel, so you can go and take a look. But Eric, um, how are things going down there?

Eric : (03:43)
Uh, good. October actually was, uh, one year for us here in the rail yard. So the business is six years old, so we’ve been building it up, adding products, um, building partnerships. We, um, have been working on that for six years, but we, uh, made one year in the rail yard this past October. So yeah, it’s a great neighborhood for us. We’re, we’re loving being here and seeing all of the, the new and familiar faces. Um, so, so it’s been a, it’s been a good year.

Bunny : (04:19)
Cool. So if I don’t say I shouldn’t say if I, when I, um, come into the store to try to figure out what I’m gonna give my kids and my nieces and nephews and my husband for Christmas, um, give me your best first recommendation. I’d love to know what everybody is loving this year.

Eric : (04:41)
Yeah, well, I mean, I think we’re, uh, really well known for our various cultural themed t-shirts for starters. Um, we have lots of different designs. Um, we also partner with local artists that also, um, come up with wonderful designs for us. Um, and so I think that is a no-brainer for sure. Um, but we’re so much more than just t-shirts for sure. So we have hats. We have, um, candles, we have special gifts, uh, that we’ve created, uh, just for us, like, uh, the New Mexico Farolitos, um, that people have up all year round.

Bunny : (05:29)
Hang on, say that again.

Eric : (05:31)
So these are farolitos as opposed to a lumina, if that’s what you’re going going for. So, so there, there’s,

Bunny : (05:39)
Okay, so ha but hang on. So that’s an entire podcast episode in itself, the difference between a farlito and Luminaria. But I will tell you, I, for people who are south of Santa Fe, it’s Luminaria. Yeah. If you’re north, if you’re Santa Fe and North, it’s a farlito, right?

Eric : (05:59)
Absolutely. Absolutely. So, um, so we have special, uh, items such as that, that we’ve created for, for ourselves as exclusive gifts. Um, we have, you know, lots of drinkware. Uh, these are brand new for us, champagne flutes, great for now New Year’s and any sort of celebration. Um, we have all of our traditional, uh, coffee mugs and water bottles. Um, we have great new rope hats with lots of different patch and embroidery designs. Um, so all of our gear really a as we mentioned, is very cultural and all about New Mexico. Um, but we really strive to create, um, New Mexico and perel and goods that has a concept behind every single, uh, design that we carry and put out. Um, you know, given my background, I am a graphic designer by profession. And so everything that we have in the store, we either have a very close relationship with the artist or we create it ourselves. So I think that’s, that’s definitely something that sets us apart from other, um, stores and businesses that, that are creating New Mexico goods.

Bunny : (07:27)
So when people think of a New Mexico cultural design store, they’re probably thinking, um, just a bunch of Zia symbols, but that’s not it. I mean, you guys are doing some really cool designs that are not just your typical Zia symbol, right?

Eric : (07:46)
Correct. Correct. Um, I think in, you know, case in point, we have one of our, uh, great designers, uh, Anna Martinez who created this for us, which is, um, you know, a concept based on the seal of New Mexico. And with that seal comes a very great story, which you can find on our website. Um, we do partner with the, uh, Kiwanis Club of Santa Fe. So we have a great zoba design every year. We also do something with, uh, Joel Nakamura. Um, Jim Vogel is also an excellent fine artist. He’s actually a graphic designer, turned fine artist. So, um, a couple of other items that we, that we’d like to share is these great new beanies that we’ve created. Again, these are designs that we’ve, we’ve come up with that are exclusive, exclusive to us. Um, couple of beans.

Bunny : (08:50)
I, so I gotta tell you that, um, ro I mean the Roadrunner, um, that, that, um, stocking cap that, so we got a T-shirt from my grandson, a Roadrunner t-shirt, and he wears it all the time. Yeah.

Eric : (09:06)
. So, yeah, I mean, all of these designs, you know, we, we create for ourselves and they’re exclusives to, um, you know, FS two supply company, and, um, there are a couple of places that have started carrying our gear, but, um, our storefront is really the only place you can get the, the, um, array of, of goods that we produce and design.

Bunny : (09:34)
Um, and you and I talked about this before we went on the air, but if somebody’s gonna order from the website, I mean, they, they should get on there quickly so that we’re sure that, um, the gifts will be delivered before the holiday

Eric : (09:48)
Season. Yeah, we, we really, we get those orders in and, um, we process ’em either that same day or the following day. Um, if it comes in during the week, of course, you know, another day or two if it comes in on the weekend. Um, but for sure, the sooner the better, uh, for you guys to get your orders in and we’ll, we’ll get it out as fast as we can and, and hopefully you’ll get it in time before Christmas. Our website for each and every product has the concept attached to the design. So I think it’s well worth the read to see where our minds are working and what we, um, you know, interpret all of these different designs to be. So I think that’s a real, um, asset to, you know, FS two supply company for sure. So yeah, please visit the website and, and read the concepts for each design.

Bunny : (10:41)
Well, like, like that T-shirt that you’re wearing right now, which is sort of a divided, um, sunburst. I’m Did you design that Eric?

Eric : (10:51)
Uh, yes, actually. So this one is a, um, a stylized yucca, uh, with a shadow coming off of it. Oh, cool. So yeah, that’s, I I think a lot of times our designs are, um, very clean and simple and straightforward, um, but very thoughtful. So, you know, oftentimes we pick, you know, nature, um, that we see throughout New Mexico, and it just gives you a, you know, a good feel of what New Mexico is all about.

Bunny : (11:25)
Well, I, I think the coolest thing, um, one of the things I hear over and over on the podcast is that New Mexico is this place of, um, surprising opportunity where you can sort of take, um, you know, I mean, you were doing graphic design before and then you sort of took that a little bit further and created this amazing business for you and your family. I I, I, I hear that all the time. You know, we sort of had this dream and we made it come true. Yeah,

Eric : (11:57)
Well, I mean, I think it’s, uh, it’s, it’s more about where you wanna be. So for us, New Mexico is home, it carries family, it carries traditions, um, absolutely wonderful landscapes. Um, so, so this is where we’ve chosen to, to raise our kids to, to make our lives what it is. And, um, I i, if you make that choice first, then it’s all about, okay, whatever your profession is or whatever you, you know, drives you, whatever your passion, um, you’re gonna make it work wherever you are. So for us, New Mexico is home and we’re, we’re here to stay. And, um, um, we’re, we’re trying to provide other new Mexicans, uh, a vehicle for carrying forth their pride in New Mexico. So oftentimes we, we get people, uh, lots of locals that come in here and, and they tell us, right? They’re, they’re like, you know, we’re going on a trip and we need some New Mexico gear to, to represent you, you know, to sport New Mexico, uh, for our travels. And so, and then we ask ’em, well send those pictures back. We have a big screen here in the shop that we put up all of our, um, family and patrons and friends, uh, who are sporting the gear. And, and it’s, it’s really become all over the world, not just, you know, local throughout New Mexico or the United States, but really it’s people that are traveling everywhere. And, um, um, so that’s been a real, uh, great, uh, thing to see evolve as the business grows.

Bunny : (13:41)
That’s that. I really like that. And, and tell me, because, um, we’ve, we’ve got some folks who are listeners who know nothing about New Mexico traditions, but I’m really curious what you guys are gonna do for Christmas. I suspect I’ll see you perhaps on Canyon Road, but is there, are there some biscochitos and tamales in the making?

Eric : (14:04)
Yeah, so, uh, my parents are, uh, big into traditions. They make , they make tamales every year, um, as a big tradition. So, um, uh, they, they sit around the table and, uh, they make tamales. They then distribute it to all of the kids and grandkids and people have ’em throughout the year to pull outta the freezer and cook. So that’s, that’s a great tradition for us of the holidays. And of course, um, we, we can’t get enough of, uh, poa. So every gathering we try and cook a big roaster of PO for sure. Um, you know, great food. It’s, it’s warm and these cold temperatures. Um, so we really enjoy that. And just gathering with, with family and friends, you know, it’s a, it’s an excuse to reconnect and, um, just, uh, visit, you know, and really appreciate all of the family and the friends that surround us, um, on a yearly basis. So, um, yeah, and of course we will, we, we do the Canyon Road walk to see all the alitos, which is where we, you know, also run into to friends and, and lots of new faces. Of course, for sure.

Speaker 3: (15:25)
Save the date for Santa Fe’s premier fundraising party, the Cancer Foundation for New Mexico’s 21st annual sweetheart Auction is happening on Saturday, February 10th at the Santa Fe Convention Center. Enjoy dinner, dessert, buffets, and an open bar. Feel the excitement of live and silent auctions. Make a difference with the patient services. Paddle raiser. Join the party for a great cause and support local cancer patients. Visit sweetheart auction.com for details and tickets.

Bunny : (15:54)
So I just want to give you a shout out. Uh, well, first of all, I wanna say, when you said that thing about sle, it kind of gave me a chill because as many of the fans of this podcast know, my mom passed away early in November, and when we gathered be the night before her memorial, um, it was cold. So it was so cold. It was when we finally had that cold snap, um, in tha in Thanksgiving and when, and, and two different families from where I grew up showed up with two big pots of oli. And I gotta tell you, it was like the most, it was like the most heartwarming and soul warming food anybody could have dropped off at that moment. And so I think what we’ll do is also add a link. We’re just gonna do it. We’ll add a link in this podcast to a poli recipe. But, um, I also wanna give you a shout out for being so generous and giving a gift basket once again to the Cancer Foundation for New Mexico. You guys are always so generous and it’s such a worthy cause. Thank you so much.

Eric : (16:59)
Yeah, absolutely. We’re, we’re glad to do it every year. Um, we, at the beginning of the year create, um, lots of donation baskets and, um, and, and you know, if if you’re not giving to, to community, then you know, what’s the point of having a business? .

Bunny : (17:18)
Well, thank you, Eric. So I, I, I want our listeners to know that there is a link to the website. There is, um, and, and on the website you can find the address for the storefront. So if you’re gonna be in Santa Fe, this is really a don’t miss, um, shopping experience. Um, I, I, when my kids come from California, they’re like, well, we gotta go to FSS two. So they do. And you met them the last time they were here, so everybody, uh, and I’m gonna tell you that there’s something for every single person on your list at FSS two, don’t you think, Eric?

Eric : (17:55)
Oh yeah, absolutely. So everywhere from the kiddos on up to the grandparents, um, that’s oneself. One thing that we pride ourselves in is, is, um, everyone finds something for, for family members here. For sure.

Bunny : (18:12)
And I’ll also tell you, it’s a pretty great place for a photo op if you’re, if you’re an instagramer and you want some, and you’re visiting New Mexico and you want a good place to take some photos. So don’t miss S two. Thank you so much, Eric, for doing this. Again, I love doing podcasts with you.

Eric : (18:28)
Yeah, you’re very welcome. And thanks as always for thinking of us. We, we really appreciate it.

Bunny : (18:34)
Thanks to all of you for taking the time to listen to the I Love New Mexico podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please feel free to share it with your friends on social media or by texting or messaging or emailing them a copy of the podcast. If you have a New Mexico story that you’d like to share with us, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our email address is I love New Mexico blog@gmail.com, and we are always, always looking for interesting stories about New Mexico. Subscribe, share, and write a review so that we can continue to bring you these stories about the Land of Enchantment. Thank you so much.

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